1) In-Game Courtesy
While spending your time in East Brickton, you should always have in mind that you're also playing a game with other people in it. Treat others how you want to be treated within this community. This means you should respectfully carry yourself to those who play the game with you. Arguing with someone out of character over a small dispute can cause the both of you can go to Admin-Jail because potentially you could be disturbing someone's roleplay with your pointless argument. At all times Staff should always be respected in East Brickton. Do not harass administrators in OOC about matters that aren't threatening to the server. If it is something simple, find time to DM them and speak privately. Try and be calm with staff, do not argue, they have the right to punish you for any in-game misconduct to the rules. If you think that an administration is abusing their power, you have the right to report them and it will be checked and taken seriously. If you try to falsify evidence against staff in an attempt to get them banned, you will face a permanent ban from East Brickton. This list below pertains of slight things that you face an penaltyfor by doing.
2) Metagaming
By spreading any In-character information through Out of Character means. Anything that can influence your character to act a different way that you learned through OOC, which means your character in-game did not learn that themselves, is an offense. All information that your character obtains has to be done in-character. If the information is gained from an outside source such as a Faction discord, than this can result in a player ban or strike to their faction. If you have a different character, they cannot interact with each other. If one thing happens to another character, and you decide to hop on the other character anything that is known through the first character must be found out through In-character interaction. Name tags in-game will always be above a player's head no matter what until they cover it with a mask. Name tags shouldn't be utilized to find out IC details about a player, like their name or whereabouts. Before identifying a character in In-character, players should make sure they have really seen them, rather than just relying on their nametag. It automatically becomes fail-roleplay to walk up to someone and call them by their name, when you don't know them in In-character. Once you die, going back to the place where you died is regarded as metagaming. It is necessary to give the participants on the scene some time to go. You can roleplay normally there once the players involved in your death (in this case, involved means present at the site) have left. It suffices to return to the same area to qualify as returning to the scene. Roleplaying your own death or mentioning any of your deceased characters in relation to any other character is strictly prohibited.While dead on the floor, shouting things such as "I'm coming back!" "I'm coming get you!" Is a a offense, you shouldn't be doing that. If continued you will receive an admin jail.
More information regarding a means to get punished through MG.
- Being in a discord call to talk to your buddy on the other side of the map, radioing him to come save you.
- PM'ing a player in game to plot or plan anything.
- You get die, decide to use a snip tool to take a picture of the person who did it, and greenlight them.
- After being CK'd, you PM a friend on discord to come take your stuff.
- Coming back on a second character to get retaliation on the one from before.
- Any source of forum information that is not directly stated for in-character purposes.
3) Power Gaming
4) Explicit RP
You can only RP things that are not within your possession as long as they have no power over the RP scenario, or force roleplays upon such player in game. You're supposed to fluently roleplay all your actions , throughout the roleplay you should be ((X)) commands. A short example of this for those who may not know."/me throws his palm across David'schin, he attempts to slap him." - J
"me ((Does it connect?)) - J
Player decides how reasonable it would be for this action to happen, judging on distance, size, and realism.
/me ((It connects)) - D
/me his face jerks to the side, as a slap from Junie. lands. - DThis is how situations should be roleplayed out if you plan on forcing an action upon another character, you shouldn't just walk up and force an action. "/me grabs" is intolerable, and you will receive a warning on your first offense. At the current time, a /do is not yet implemented into the game, with further updates it could be introduced. Which will have the ((X)) commands replaced by the /do. (Potentially)
It is necessary to RP fear in circumstances or behaviors that you would typically avoid in reality. The consequences of your character's actions must always be taken into account; if a character dies due to a lack of fear, this could lead to a CK. This could be either robbing someone in the middle of a street or trying your best to pull out the gun in the middle of being robbed by multiple people. It could also even go as far as the point where you're trying to run away while being robbed, comply with it rather than try and lose your life.
Roleplaying injury is major. You should always make sure to roleplay your injury until an EMS arrives or someone drives you to the hospital. After getting out of the hospital, you should roleplay recovery from your injuries judging by the severity of them.
5) Deathmatching
The goal of this rule is to strike a balance between allowing players to feel at ease while they are participating and maintaining some degree of freedom during roleplay. Roleplay that violates this guideline is broadly referred to as "Offensive Roleplay," although that doesn't mean that any roleplay that offends a player is prohibited.
Anything that has to do with torture or any other forms of disturbing forms of roleplay falls under this category. Roleplays like this must take place in areas away from the public eye and in concealed areas. Players are given the responsibility to conceal these actions away from those who may feel uncomfortable.
A player who is taking part in the roleplay may ask for it to end at any point if they find it unpleasant. A player who is taking part in the roleplay may ask for it to end at any point if they find it unpleasant. Players have the option to leave an offensive roleplay situation if they do not want to see it. Before any form of this roleplay happens, both parties must OOCLY agree to this roleplay.
Roleplays that are not prohibited on this server are anything that has to do with, cannibalism, necrophilia, and pedophilia. Doing any of these will result in a permanent ban from the server, along with rape. Rape is immediate ban, without any form of appeal.
Sexual roleplay can only be done in the game if both parties OOCLY consent to it, if both parties do not consent then both players will be punished for this action. To properly roleplay Sexual roleplay, you would want to use the roleplay term "Fade to black." This is the action of, a scene fading to black as a time skip is present. This proposes that time has passed since both players participated in the act
Things that aren't allowed and will result in extreme punishment.
Randomly killing a player with no reason behind it is the main term applied to DM. Making any reasons such as race, height, weight, or gender is not tolerated. If you try and shoot a cop because you think all cops are bad, that is not prohibited either. For any reason, at any given time, that you feel that you need to exemplify yourself from these rules will result in your ban.
Trying to take 1v1s in the streets of East Brickton will also result in your ban, this is a roleplay server, not the Airsoft Arena. Please do not try and settle your differences when others are trying to roleplay, you might end up hitting them and digging a deeper hole for yourself.
Vehicle deathmatch (VDM) is also not prohibited in East Brickton. If you're purposely driving around trying to run over people because you're bored, you'll face the consequences of your actions. The only time you may use a vehicle against a player is if, in the roleplay scenario, you are a direct threat to your life. Which will be sometimes rare on certain occasions and not to be overused or abused.
Any form of deathmatching in this game is an automatic ban. Without any tolerations. Factions should also take note of these rules as well, so they do not go out thinking unofficial war deathmatching between factions is allowed.|
Examples that can result in extreme punishment.
6) Character Customization
In East Brickton, Players must use the customization feature to develop a believable character. If server administrators believe a player's character customization is inappropriate, they will force them to change it. Characters must dress for the weather, or at the very least, simulate the consequences of doing so. The /weather command can be used to view the current weather. Anything that should violate this will result in an admin-jail, where once served you will be forced to change your character again. The height and weight feature in East Brickton is there for you to make a realistic human being, not a 5'0 midget that is only made for combat advantages. 7) Robbing and Scamming Limitations
It should be understood that the name system in East Brickton is not to be abused, names such as "Wu Wu" or "Wu Takashi" is not tolerated. Your character has to add up with the race/nationality of your character. This means, that if you're an African-American you shouldn't have the last name "Wu". These names should be realistic and apply to the modern day. Anybody famous people, or people that have passed is not tolerated as well. Trying to bypass this thinking yourself above the East Brickton rules will result in your character being auto-character-killed, and you will not have a chance to be restored with any of your items. If you try again to execute this, you will be permanently banned.
Age comes into play in East Brickton as well in making your character, you may have a character above the age of 13 years of age. If you try and roleplay something lower, the administration will warn you not to again. All of these character customization rules are in place to keep the game realistic.
Things that will result in punishment relating to customization.
There are multiple ways to create income in East Brickton, with robbing and scamming being two of them. While roleplaying with others, certain limitations to robbing exist. When robbing a player you must do it in a certain way that does not break both the rules of metagaming and power-gaming. You shouldn't target an admin that you know is roleplaying just because they're an admin. Or in some scenarios, you shouldn't be trying to rob someone in broad daylight. Walking up to a group of people trying to rob them, will result in punishment.
Basic robberies for such one person should be done in a secluded area, and once the robbery has concluded the player should be let free. You do not have the right to kill a player after the robbery. You may deal physical damage to the person, but killing them is not prohibited.
Scamming in East Brickton is another good way to profit money, but the scam limit should not exceed 70k. This has to do with firearms, cars, and anything else that can be introduced for fraud play.
How to unrealistically portray a robbery.
8) Cheating
Any use of exploits in East Brickton will result in your permanent ban. Trying to have one up's on other players can lead you to a serious punishment. Anything to increase accuracy such as an external crosshair is also banned. No examples can be provided as cheating is cheating and will be met with the highest amount of punishment. This goes for any bugs as-well used to exploit in-game benefits as-well.
Our administration gives you a chance to report anything malicious that could harm the game if staff find out that you have been using it for yourself. You will be permanently banned from East Brickton.
9) Greenzones
Below are list of the updated greenzone list in East Brickton.
Green zones are areas throughout the city of East Brickton where any form of violence can not be acted out. Role-players can be dragged out of green zones or conflict could stir up outside of them. It is not prohibited for players who know they're being targeted to hide in green zones. Trying to camp in a green zone to avoid any form of In-character interaction will result in an Admin-jail. Green zones exist to create a realistic environment, where crime is extremely not likely to take place inside in.
10) Advertisement Rules
The advertisement system is there to assist in the creation of roleplay, and assist in the trade of assets and services. Illegal advertisements are not allowed even if the intent behind them is hidden or attempted to be hidden IC. Players are expected to use other IC methods to distribute illegal items or services.
11) Grammar Rule
You must maintain grammar whilst role playing, abbreviations like “idk, wyd, idc” whilst role playing will not be tolerated.12) Not Valuing Life
You must value life whilst role playing, if you’re being robbed you should comply unless you can realistically stall, running away isn’t valuing life unless you can get to a position that you won’t be able to get shot. You cannot run into a interior that has the scripted greenzone; doing this will result in a ban or ajail. You cannot pull out a gun whilst at gun point, all points of fear must be followed failure to do this can result in a CK. Gun Fear, Cop Fear which means you shouldn’t be doing crimes blatantly in front of them, this also follows blatant cop baiting. Gang fear, this goes for everyone including cops if a cop is approaching a possible gang they must take caution if they’re alone or outnumbered by a lot. If you attempt to RK a police officer and that officer kills you and successfully reports you, you’ll receive a CK. So it’s not recommended to attempt to RK cops.
13) Ethnicity Appropriation
When using names that follow a certain ethnic like Wu, Kazayuki, Xu. You must portray an Asian Character, you cannot be a 5’0 Dreadhead with Asian Names. This will be an immediate infinite ajail.
14) Poor Escalation
15) Alt Farming
Poorly escalating a situation for no reason, like if someone punches you once and you mag dump them, that's poor escalation and will get you ajailed or banned. You must only escalate if it's appropriate. Such as, if someone threatens to kill you. You can escalate it and shoot or harm them, so and so.
Farming on ALT to provide that money to your main character on another account isn’t allowed. If you’re caught doing this both accounts used will be banned and all of your assets will be removed. Receiving items from another player should be authentic. Item Transferring for RP reasons varies.16) Erotic Roleplay
Sexual acts in-game shouldn’t be done in public places. All disgusting forms of roleplay should be agreed upon every party and should be stopped if a party starts to feel uncomfortable. If this rule is broken; the ban will be excessive. All sexual acts should be done from everyone above the age of eighteen. This goes for sexual intercourse, roleplaying wise. If you’re caught doing those activities whilst underage. You’ll be banned.17) Gas Station RP
18) Block Claiming
Gas Station RP is limited what you need to do is not hang around a gas station for too long, you get gas or whatever the hell you’re getting and go. Don’t hang around looking for beef.
19) Advert Abuse
Taking charge of a block involves dealing with factions, you don't really "own" a block but can represent it. It's a space that's shared by residents if it falls within your faction's territory. However, refrain from wrongfully declaring a block as yours just to show aggression without having actual control it. For more information about this join our faction server to learn more about Faction rp and territories.Faction Discord (Click this)
20) Keeping RP IC
Using advert for Non promotion purposes Such as Blatantly selling illegal items and talking out of character .
Advert's should be used to promote parties, events, Businesses etc.
When you are actively roleplaying everything you say IC'ly shoud stay IC, you should not abuse /o and have conversations in /o while roleplaying. This will result in punishment. You should not be disturbing admins while on duty and calling them while you're IC. This is considered FRP, but needed further elaboration here.
Please follow all these rules accordingly, or punishment will be administered. Any questions or concerns about these rules? Can be asked in the official East Brickton Discord Server's help center.East Brickton Help Center (click here)